If you only pay attention to a few things while learning, you will find it easier and faster! And those who travel lighter and faster have more fun learning. The right strategies are often an important requirement for motivation. Here are the 5 commandments for successful learning: 1. Focus on one thing at a time No one can turn their attention to two things at the same time. The attention is always focused on one thing at any given moment. When doing homework and studying, you have to think carefully about what to focus on. Everything that you do "on the side" requires a constant change in attention. You are first with the homework, then with something else, then again with the homework, then again with something else. It's exhausting and time consuming. So: Concentrate on 1 thing, switch off your mobile phone and PC! Our tutors at effektiv lernen believes that, It's much more relaxed when you only take on one task and finish it off in peace. The next ...